Vulnerability scanning

To test the cybersecurity tools implemented and identify potential vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, Cinalia conducts vulnerability scans.

Objectives of vulnerability scanning

How can you quickly get an overview of potential vulnerabilities within your Information System ?

To test the cybersecurity tools implemented and identify potential flaws in your applications, systems, and network infrastructure, Cinalia deploys a powerful set of dedicated tools – vulnerability scans.

These vulnerability scans quickly reveal configuration and development errors, analyze security patches, and verify password strength. They constitute an essential first step in securing your connected activities.
By analyzing a given scope - URL or IP address - Cinalia identifies common vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, XSS attacks, and CSRF, along with their level of criticality. Our consultants support you throughout the process, providing personalized reporting that includes a technical summary and manual analysis to avoid false positives.
Image illustrant la thematique de cybersecurite

Our complementary services in offensive cybersecurity

Cinalia helps you determine whether the cybersecurity measures implemented within your IS are effective. Explore the other offensive cybersecurity services offered by Cinalia.


  • Beyond vulnerability scans, how can we be 100% sure that no vulnerability can be exploited by hackers in a real-life situation?

Cybersecurity audit

  • How do you know if your existing security measures provide adequate protection for your Information System?
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